10 Progressive Bodyweight Exercises to Keep Building Strength.
Bodyweight training isn’t just for beginners—it’s a powerful way to keep building strength at any level. By progressively challenging your muscles with more difficult variations, you can develop greater endurance, balance, and power—all without equipment.
Squat to Pistol Squat (Strength: Legs & Balance)Start with regular squats, then progress to a pistol squat by lowering on one leg while extending the other in front of you.
Push-Up to Archer Push-Up (Strength: Chest & Arms)Master standard push-ups first, then widen your stance and shift weight side to side for archer push-ups, increasing unilateral strength.
Glute Bridge to Single-Leg Glute Bridge (Strength: Glutes & Hamstrings)Start with a basic glute bridge, then challenge yourself by extending one leg for a more intense activation.
Plank to Dynamic Plank (Strength: Core & Shoulders)Hold a plank, then add movement by lowering onto your forearms and pushing back up to a high plank for extra stability work.
Wall Sit to Single-Leg Wall Sit (Strength: Quads & Core)Hold a wall sit, then advance by lifting one leg off the ground to challenge your stability.
Bicycle Crunch to Hanging Leg Raise (Strength: Core & Lower Abs)Start with bicycle crunches on the floor, then progress to hanging leg raises if you have access to a pull-up bar.
Pull-Up to Typewriter Pull-Up (Strength: Back & Arms)Begin with standard pull-ups, then increase difficulty by shifting side to side at the top for maximum control.