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Arizona's Lottery Secrets: Wins, Games, and Lucky Cities

Lotteries are like the ultimate game of hope and dreams! And in sunny Arizona, folks are lining up for their shot at that sweet jackpot. But hey, it's not just about the thrill of the game. Understanding the ins and outs of Arizona's lottery scene isn't just fun—it's super important for the folks running the show. That's where we come in! We dived into the last eight years of lottery data, using winner statistics, from ticket sales to who wins the jackpot and everything in between. So grab your lucky charm and let's uncover the secrets behind Arizona's lottery frenzy!

Luckiest cities in the state

Certain cities in Arizona have proven to be lucky destinations for lottery winners. Phoenix leads with 75 winners, followed by Mesa with 23. Glendale and Tucson have 21 and 17 winners respectively. Chandler, Peoria, and Scottsdale each have 13 winners. Surprise, Gilbert, and Apache Junction boast 9 to 12 winners, showing that size doesn't always determine luck in the lottery.

Best games

Among Arizona's lottery games, "The Pick" leads with 30 wins in 8 years, known for big jackpots and straightforward play. Following is "500X" with 27 wins, featuring enticing multipliers. "Fantasy 5" ranks third with 20 wins, offering affordable entry and good odds. Notable multi-state lotteries like "$215 Million Cash Explosion," "Powerball," and "Mega Millions" have 13 to 15 wins each, delivering life-changing prizes. Lastly, "Triple Twist," "$2 Crossword," "Triple Red 7s," and "Red Hot 7s" each have 5 to 6 wins, offering smaller but thrilling prizes.


Distribution of Winning Prize Ranges:

The data reveals the distribution of wins across various prize ranges:

  • Up to 1000: 91 wins;
  • 1000-10,000: 106 wins;
  • 10,000-100,000: 124 wins;
  • 100,000-1,000,000: 38 wins;
  • 1,000,000 and above: 9 wins.

These statistics illustrate the frequency of wins within different prize brackets, showcasing the diversity of winnings, from modest amounts to substantial jackpots.


Over the past eight years, the number of lottery winners in Arizona has fluctuated. In 2017, there were 13 winners, indicating a relatively modest year for lottery success. However, in 2018, the number of winners more than quadrupled to 54, marking a significant increase in lottery luck. The trend continued in 2019, with a substantial jump to 129 winners, representing the peak of lottery victories during this period.

In the following years, the number of winners remained variable. In 2020, there were 34 winners, followed by 54 in 2021, and 39 in 2022. The year 2023 saw a slight increase to 41 winners.

According to our latest update of statistics, only 4 people found their winnings in 2024. But since 2024 has just begun, you still have plenty of time to test your luck and take part in the Million Dollar Game!