Flatten Your Stomach with Core-Focused Pilates Moves.
Pilates is a low-impact exercise method that’s perfect for building core strength and toning your midsection.
By engaging your deep abdominal muscles, Pilates helps flatten your stomach while improving posture and overall body control. Whether you’re new to Pilates or a seasoned enthusiast, these simple exercises will target your core and leave you feeling stronger.
The HundredThe Hundred is a classic Pilates move that activates your core and boosts circulation.– Lie on your back with your legs raised to tabletop or extended at a 45-degree angle.– Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat, keeping your gaze forward.
– Extend your arms alongside your body, hovering just above the mat.– Pump your arms up and down as you inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts. Repeat for 10 breaths.
This move strengthens your core and improves spinal flexibility.– Lie flat with your arms extended overhead and legs straight.– Inhale as you lift your arms toward the ceiling, and exhale as you roll your spine off the mat, reaching for your toes.
Leg CirclesThis exercise tones your lower abs and improves hip stability.– Lie on your back with one leg extended toward the ceiling and the other flat on the mat.– Make small controlled circles with your raised leg, keeping your core engaged. Switch directions after 5-6 circles and repeat on the other leg.
Plank to PikeThis dynamic move challenges your core and upper body.– Start in a plank position, shoulders over wrists and body in a straight line.– Engage your abs as you lift your hips into a pike position, forming an inverted V.– Lower back into a plank. Repeat for 8-10 reps.
Incorporating these Pilates exercises into your routine a few times a week will help strengthen your core, improve posture, and work toward a flatter stomach—all while leaving you feeling centered and energized!