Love Nonfiction? Here’s Where to Read Free Educational Books.
If you’re passionate about learning, you don’t have to spend a fortune on books. Whether you love history, science, business, or self-improvement, plenty of websites offer free educational books that will expand your knowledge—without costing a penny!
Project Gutenberg (– A vast collection of public domain books, including classic nonfiction.– Must-reads: The Art of War, On the Origin of Species, The Federalist Papers.
Open Library (– A digital library with millions of books available for borrowing.– Must-reads: A Brief History of Time, The Wealth of Nations, The Prince.
Google Books (– Offers many free previews and full versions of educational books.– Must-reads: Meditations, The Republic, Self-Reliance.
Internet Archive (– A massive collection of books, documentaries, and academic texts.– Must-reads: Common Sense, The Communist Manifesto, The Interpretation of Dreams.
National Academies Press ( PDFs on science, medicine, and engineering.Must-reads: How People Learn, The Future of Nursing, Climate Change Evidence & Causes.
MIT OpenCourseWare (– Free textbooks and lecture notes from MIT courses.– Must-reads: Introduction to Psychology, Principles of Economics, Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents.
Library of Congress (– Free access to historical texts, biographies, and government documents.– Must-reads: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, The U.S. Constitution, Democracy in America.