The Craziest Things People Have Done After Winning the Lottery.
Jack Whittaker ($314.9M, 2002) – Spent millions on strippers, casinos, and handouts, leading to multiple robberies and family tragedies. He died nearly broke.
Andrew Jackson ($50M, 1998) – Blew his fortune on drugs, fancy cars, and bad investments, eventually returning to his old job.
Evelyn Adams ($5.4M, 1985 & 1986) – Won twice but gambled it all away in Atlantic City casinos.
Michael Carroll (£9.7M, 2002) – A UK winner who spent it all on drugs, women, and parties. He was broke within five years and went back to work as a garbage man.
Billie Bob Harrell Jr. ($31M, 1997) – Bought houses and cars for strangers, leading to financial ruin and personal tragedy.
Urooj Khan ($1M, 2012) – Claimed his prize, then mysteriously died of cyanide poisoning before cashing in.
Lara and Roger Griffiths (£1.8M, 2005) – Splurged on luxury cars and homes, leading to bankruptcy and divorce.
Sharon Tirabassi ($10.5M, 2004) – Spent it all on lavish trips and luxury goods, now lives paycheck to paycheck.